Emergencies can happen unexpectedly, whether you're in class, studying, dining, or in your dorm. Be prepared before, during, and after an emergency by following these four essential steps:
1. Stay Informed
Ensure you receive accurate and timely information by knowing the various ways of campus communication channels.
2. Know How to Report Emergencies
Familiarize yourself with emergency reporting procedures.
For non-emergencies that require police assistance, contact Duke Police at 919-684-2444. Help Phones located around Duke’s main campus can also be used to contact the Duke University Police Department.
Emergencies can also be reported anonymously or by text message using the LiveSafe App.
3. Make a Plan
Develop a personal emergency plan with your roommates, friends, and family. Identify safe locations, emergency contacts, and key actions for different scenarios.
4. Pack a Bag
Prepare an emergency kit with essentials like water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, and any necessary medications, so you're ready to act quickly.
Student Resources
Duke Student Affairs offers a variety of services to ensure the well-being and safety of all students.
- Wellness Promotion
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Student Health
- Alcohol & Other Drug Resources
- Duke Reach – Duke Reach is a case management service that can provide connections with other resources to help with navigating difficult circumstances.
- Behavioral Assessment and Violence Prevention