If you receive a bomb threat by telephone:

  • Remain calm and listen carefully to the caller. Try to gather as much information as possible while having someone call 911.
  • Write down as much information as possible, including the phone number of the caller.
  • Do not hang up the phone, even if the caller does.
  • If the threat could be carried out-although it may not appear entirely realistic-alert others nearby and call 911 from a safe location.

If you receive a bomb threat by email or physical mail:

  • Do not reply or forward an email; avoid touching the physical mail.
  • Take a picture of the threat (or print if an email) and write down any information you can remember, such as the date and time it was received and any surrounding circumstances.
  • If the threat could be carried out-although it may not appear entirely realistic-alert others nearby and call 911 from a safe location.

Please reference this guide from the Department of Homeland Security for more information.